
Missionary Order of Perpetual Indulgence

Founded: 1995/6
Current Status: Active
House Coronet: n/a

So what is “MOPI” anyway?
In 1995 The Missionary Order of Perpetual Indulgence was formed when Sister Missionary P. Delight, one of the three Founders of the sister movement (not to be confused with bowel movement) brought focus to a loose federation of Nuns and manifested the Missionary Order. It was that fall, that Sister Clara Cum Passionata became the first Reverend Mother General of the Missionary Order of Perpetual Indulgence, Northern Provinces, in a beautiful ritual facilitated by Sister Missionary P. Delight and the Merry Widow Engstrom at Short Mountain Sanctuary, Liberty, Tennessee. The seeds of focus were planted, bringing unification to this loose federation of sisters.

The Motherhouse is, for the moment, located in Newton M, Iowa, a mere 90 miles from where the roots of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence first began.

And, though most of the orders have tax exemption status, the Missionary Order does not. As such, we volunteer our time and utilize our fundraising talents on behalf of the organizations for which we volunteer.